As the home of whiskey, tartan, bagpipes and much more simple definitions don’t really suit Scotland. However, most important, it is also the "Home of Golf" with nearly 600 courses within a relatively small area - more courses per head than anywhere else in the world. To enjoy the Royal and Ancient game of golf there is no place in the world like Scotland. North America and Europe may have some stunning courses but it's Caledonia, with its windy challenge of coastal links and heather hills, that's still the golfer's Mecca.
Where else can you play golf on one of the most challenging courses in world followed by a quiet Highland course, such as the seaside course on the Isle of Colonsay? There, sheep keep the grass short and an "honesty box" for green fees is still in operation! Golf etiquette may be strictly adhered to but you're as likely to chat with the local plumber as with the local doctor after your round of golf. Everyone plays golf, young and old, men and women; it's part of their heritage. A visit to this ‘holy golf destination’ is a "must do" and should be on every golfer´s bucket list.
Contact us for your unique golf experience to Scotland!
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